Unexpected Best Friends Of An Arabian And A Mustang

L know looks so pretty just standing back there oh here she comes roony and Luke didn’t want to come out so it’s just Mr wild with four girls he’s uh having a good day sort of they they sort of hassle them quite a bit push him around a bit and then he sort of pushes back and all that sort of stuff it’s kind of interesting hello Lina you finally made it up how’s it going you’re just hanging out at the back there enjoying your cold time I mean it’s still pretty Frosty we’ve got some very cold weather this last little
bit and uh clear nice nice weather overall great sees in a little bit of heat so she kind of hangs out with mocha quite a bit when this happens they’re pretty cute together uhoh I’ve got Mr wild here and Lena doesn’t really like actually she was in heat a little bit too and then she was sort of cozying up to him and hi buddy it’s just you and me bro Escape he says no I don’t want an oldenberg right now I want to hang out with my pal hi pal okay back off a little okay cuz yeah but other than that all the
Girls We Got Annie would you please stop bugging me uh mocha and Gracie and Lena if any of you are new here Lena is our oldest horse I think she’s 17 or 18 I don’t know and oldenberg draft Crofts rescue this is Mr wild he’s a rescue because he’s wild along with mocha and Annie all wild horses okay I’m I’m going back and forth cuz this guy just will not stop following me going back away see grace is in heat she’s in heat she turns to a different horse starts yeah I know what’s the deal you’re in your tiny chicklet teeth
moa’s just a baby she’s almost two right is that right or she almost three jeez time time just seems to go by Annie stop it I don’t want your butt I don’t want to scratch the butt but she gives the butt and then you scratch it and you’re like well I guess I’m scratching it now you know what I mean you just help them out a little bit it’s hard to scratch them themselves she loves it well she’s going to step on me soon Lena you’re so pretty in the sun look at you she says I know now you should scratch me yeah okay so Mr Wild’s here
all on his own with these four although it doesn’t seem to be a lot of work because those two are just sort of hanging out together uh these two don’t really hang out too much in the arena they do cuz they live next to each other and then this guy once I come in here then he just wants to chill with me because uh I’m the best company run away so usually Annie and Mr wild hang out together look at these two these two have been most interesting I’ve been watching them for the past 20 minutes or so trying to get a bead
on exactly what they’re up to but yeah Luke oh he might be thinking of all coming out now and Ron’s way over there eating Luke was just suntanning he didn’t really want to come out so I just left them where they are horses make requests you kind of go up and you see if they want out and most of the time they say yes see he’s not going to really put up with that much he sort of avoids cuz she’s kicked him before so she’s good for her word kind of thing um so he doesn’t want to get hurt but uh if she really pushes him
enough he’ll just send her off into another area yeah just the girls a little quieter hello Momo you’re getting so big hey this was a very big girl yeah very big she’s so snuggly and cuddly and she loves attention so all day long she’d put up with this anny you’re kind of freaking me out with all your action settle down he’s looking he’s thinking something you know these two are really stealing in the show I think Got Annie literally on my shoulder hey hello Annie you’re getting big too you’re almost full
grown she it’s going to come this way I’m going to be in between them which I’d like not to be I don’t want to be in between you guys preferably not yeah I like it when um Gracie’s much more calm and sort of lovable I guess you could say okay this is not safe just go to the other side of you there he’s just going to bug me a little bit but you know and then they off they go you can see how close they are in size now M’s gotten so big she’s just about as tall as Gracie maybe just a another couple
inches or so I think I’m going to do a DNA test on these guys would you please stop you’re going to get it you’re going to get it okay it’s enough Lena come over here and bite him for me would you pleas look at him look what he’s doing to me stop licking my shirt it’s weird get him Lena teach him a lesson quick get him nice get him again what you you doing why’d you stop dude you almost stepped on my foot that was really close do you really need this much attention Okay escaping two eyes two ears it’s what you
always want out of a horse it’s but not when you’re trying to do something else oh oh you’re in trouble now watch out buddy well I guess not he traveled by too quickly so I’m just going to watch these guys a little bit I wasn’t sure if anybody would be interested so much and mainly this relationship I find myself interested in I mean why does Gracie go to mocha oh Lena come on what so enticing seriously everybody’s so fuzzy so fuzzy L’s got neat colors she’s I think she’s getting a little bit more white
this is getting older it’s turning into an old horse old horses do get gray [Applause] hair there’s these too yeah I been watching for about 20 minutes filling Waters and doing stuff and cleaning up and whatnot I thought well maybe you guys would be interested in this quietness that comes out of these two they’re just constantly touching hello Muka hello girl look at that it’s just right next to each other [Applause] oh jeez I’m in between Lena or these two are in between me and Lena so she’s got
something to [Applause] say oh that’s too much hello graci’s just going to come with you everywhere you go comes leaning as well move mocha move quick Gracie a lot of people tend to comment when this stuff happens I feel sorry for Gracie or Elina or whatever hores in heat guess there’s something to be said for that I mean you know sort of struggle with the uh unnatural order of domesticated being a domesticated animal but such as it is they’ve got good lives hello Gracie do you need to scratch somewhere don’t chew on me just put your
hand on or your face on my hand there you go oh it’s too much scratchiness I know you know it’s Gracie’s turn right now she’s so smooth and pretty too like she’s just got the nicest colors why did you chase her off H why’ you do [Music] that see what happens here I don’t think Annie really is a fan think she might just leave not sure youa seriously let’s see and these colors are so pretty oh little C Grooming that’s nice it’s good cool s over there yeah so we got some great weather it’s nice Sun’s on its way
down that side over there never gets Sun so it doesn’t defrost but overall the daytime gets okay like plus 5 Celsius but overnight is a minus 2 3 4 five sort of idea oh boy oh boy they’re all in a little bit of [Applause] heat that’s where he’s going to chase her a little bit I think maybe not okay well maybe we’ll leave it at that just a little bit of interesting behaviors you guys keep track of what these horses are up to not a lot we’ve been pretty calm pretty uh quiet overall it’s been good it’s nice
everybody’s healthy hello Lena and uh you know it’s nice lots to do though lots to uh take care of and clean up and all that stuff so we just keep on keeping on anyhow I’m going to leave it at that hopefully you guys are having a great day and I’ll see you in the next one